
joyeaux poisson d'avril
I loved April Fool's Day (translated: Poisson d'Avril, literally: Fish of April) in high school because our French class treated it like a full-blown holiday.* We cooked crepes and croques messieurs while playing games like Mille Bornes and Scrabble in French. The best part, though, was cutting the paper fish and going around school all day taping fish to the backs of our unsuspecting peers. Oh those sillly Frenchies!

*April Fool's Day was begun in France centuries ago when the government changed the calendar so that the year started on January 1, instead of April 1. People in the countryside didn't hear the news for a few years and so they mistakenly celebrated the new year at the start of April. Thus, the French were the original April Fools. Now who says blogs are not educational?

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