
maybe my sense of humor is just off
On Wednesday, the Trib's lead photo caught my eye every time I passed the front desk in the News Bureau office. I laughed every time I passed and finally said to Tish, the lady who "mans" the desk, "This cracks me up: the guy lives at the corner of Square Cir. How funny is that!?!?!" Apparently not very. She just looked at me with a blank stare. "You know, it's a circle, a cul-de-sac. And its name is Square!!!" Still the blank stare. Maybe I was being inappropriate because the nature of the story was serious. Or maybe I'm too easily amused.

I do know that I can't control my outbursts of laughter sometimes.
When you abbreviate University of Missouri-Columbia, it's spelled "UMC" and you pronounce it "U-M-C." When you talk of the University of Missouri-Rolla, you say "U-M-Rolla." When you talk of the UM System school in Kansas City, you say, "U-M-K-C." So when I saw a guy on campus wearing a shirt from the University of Massachuesetts that said "UMASS," I burst out laughing. Uncontrollably. In the middle of campus. With no one around to share my internal thought process slip-up. So I had to share it with someone and my virtual audience seemed perfect. I can at least pretend I'm funny here.

So, you cast the verdict. Is my sense of humor out of wack? Or is this funny to anyone else?

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