
cue the sappy background music
So it's New Year's Eve . . . or actually, it is now the new year, and I thought it would be appropriate to reflect on the past semester a bit. I learned a lot about myself this semester. Read on:
*My faith is my own; I don't need to try to make it anyone else's faith.
*I actually know people . . . a lot of people. (My fellow Group 2 Recruitment Counselors dubbed me "Miss Popular" because we didn't go anywhere as a group without me running into someone that I knew.)
*However, sometimes I try too hard to know as many people as I can.
*I have a group of friends that I know I can count on.
*I put too much stock in beauty; I try too hard to be beautiful and I am swayed by beauty over other, more important attributes in other people.
*People actually respect me for my faith and my choices and my actions.
*I can design . . . that's a good thing since that's what I want to do for a living!
*If I say I'll be someplace at X:00, it will actually be X:20. I always underestimate how long it will take me to get ready and I am too easily distracted (imagine that, Mom).
*I actually have courage to talk to guys I am interested in.
*I way over-analyze everything: friends, guys, my standing at the Missourian, Alpha Chi situations, my faith, other people's faiths, even songs and movies.
*There are some friends whom I can be away from for a long time, but when we get back together, it's as if no time had passed at all. I like that.

the packing update
So I tried a practice round of packing for London tonight. It's a workout, let me tell you! Trying to cram as many clothes and everything else I need for a semester into two suitcases and a carry-on, I was nearly sweating. But I think I can do it. I didn't even have to use the expanding options on my two suitcases. I had to take it all out, though, because I need some of the stuff between now and Wednesday. The trick will be trying to repeat it next week.

lucky girl
I think Ally's excited that I'm leaving Jack, my Mac at home, all hooked up. She's already created a playlist of her own on my iTunes and had me rearrange the room so my bed faces the screen and she can relax and watch DVDs. I'll have her converted to a Macintosh user, just you wait!

be a brit
My British phrasebook says, "In Britain, when people give an opinion, they won't allow you to just be quiet and stay out of trouble -- you have to agree. Of course, you can also flatly disagree, which makes you feel like you're not cooperating. What starts out as a plain statement always surprises you by turning into an interrogative in the end, at which point you're expected to participate -- 'Sarah will never change will she?'. Even more disconcerting is that British habit of asking you to corroborate things you couldn't possible know. 'I finally had a date with Sally last night, and I spilled a drink all over her, didn't I?'. How should you know, you weren't there. Sometimes it's a snappish retort to put the other person on the wrong foot -- 'John, you're here, we've been waiting for over an hour." The reply -- 'Well, I was stuck in traffic, wasn't I?'. Once you learn the game, it ceases to be intimiating. Just keep smiling, nodding, and looking non-committal."

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