check that one off the list
I just balanced my checkbook. This is significant because I haven't done so since London.
a semester smothered with estrogen
As the time comes to start looking for ideas for a date to our formal, I've realized that this semester more than any other is seriously lacking in the guy factor. It amazes me how few guys are magazine majors. My two j-classes (newspaper design and magazine editing) have a total of eight guys between the two of them. And Dan accounts for two of those eight. (Props to him for putting up with me every day in our classes.) Sociology of the Family has seven guys in the class of 70+. The only class with substantial male representation is my American Foreign Policies political science class. And most of the guys in that class turn me off because they think they're so smart and aren't afraid to spout off their opinion, no matter how off the mark or off subject it is. I hate asking guys out. I'm such a chicken.
help me out here, please
Do you know anyone who needs a place to live next semester? I need a roommate.
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