one of the best feelings ever knowing that simply your presence has made someone's day, week, month. I came home to Manhattan last night to surprise my mom for her 50th birthday. She had no clue that I was coming and was practically giddy with excitement. (I think the fact I came bearing a small t.v. and VCR for the kitchen, gifts from Ally, Dad and me, added to her excitement to see me.)
my 15 minutes?
While I was home, I went through a couple of my old journals from elementary, middle and high school. Most people write journals/diaries to get things out of their minds but not to let anyone else read them? I wrote as if my thoughts would one day be published and my literature read by thousands of people. You know, me, the next Anne Frank. I even changed the names so I could, you know, "protect the innocent." Of course, the fact that I added pictures ("visuals," so my readers could have an idea of how cute my crushes were) didn't really help that "protecting" much. But I think the fact that the unlikelihood that my pre-adolescent tribulations will ever be intriguing to anyone besides my near family (and maybe the guys who I had crushes on would find it amusing) is assurance that the innocent will remain sheltered from the paparazzi. Instead, the public (you) gets to read my thoughts as I think them, thanks to this blog. Just don't expect any snapshots of hot boys in this journal. Use your imagination instead. That's what I do. ;)
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