
i feel cool
I know someone who works on every floor in Jesse. Just FYI. And today I added to my list of Jessians. I met the mythical Christi@n B@si, Assitstant Director of the MU News Bureau and the Missourian's primary contact for "the honest facts" about MU. (a.k.a. one of those slimy PR people). I've worked in the News Bureau for nearly a month now and finally met the man everyone at the Missourian loves to hate. (To quell any rumors....I actually am not working for the News Bureau itself, the computer and office that I use are just housed there.)

why i'm a nerd, exhibit a
Is there anyone else out there who thinks of blog topics, headings, etc whilst going about your daily business? I had half of this entry written in my head as I walked to class today. And yet why can't I get my K-Stater magazine article written?

nerdiness, exhibit b
As I walked to class today I saw a guy reading today's Vox as he was walking....reading the Scene and Heard story in Short Talk....which I designed this weekend. I had a deep desire to run up to him and interrogate him: "Why are you reading this? What drew you to this page? Do you think the illustration looks too big? You should have seen it before!" I've done more designing this week than all last fall in class. 3 ads, 3 Vox pages and a newsletter...all in one week! How great!

just don't expect me to start spewing off sociological theories
At least not quite yet.
It's weird to think that two weeks into my Sociology class, I'm half-way done. I'm really liking it (my aunt and uncle would be so proud!) It's making me think and we don't do busy work. My professor is pretty cool and our class only has nine students...all this and it's an entry-level class!

all by myself...
By now, all the roommates have left town and I'm here alone for the weekend. I'm trying to decide if this is a good thing. For one, it means that there are less distractions and I'll be more likely to finish my article. But it also means that dinners are going to be really boring...and the bed bugs might bite. Oh wait, that's Cassie.

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