things i miss about london already added into the listed price
things i don't miss about london
...17% value added tax
returning to the states via starbucks and subway
I got into Chicago around 10:00 Sunday night. Our Air India flight was delayed two hours!!!! At least no strike. I stayed the night with my aunt and uncle outside the city and went in to work with Eddie. He works at an ad agency and it was really cool to see the gorgeous Macs they have to play around on. I spent the day walking up and down Michigan Avenue, treating myself to meals from two American institutions: the aforementioned Starbucks and Subway. Reverse culture shock has snuck up on me a couple of times. I'm still calling dollars pounds and every once in a while, I think I see a Marks and Spencers or Top Shop and get all excited.
london calling
While I'm glad to be back with my family and have some down time to simply sleep and do nothing, I'm missing London like crazy. I have nearly 20 rolls of film that I want to share with everyone, but somehow it's just not the same to show photos to my friends and family. They can't look and them and respond, 'Oh! that was that time when.../that was the guy who.../that's the place where...' I can't put my finger on what it is about London that I miss the most; maybe I need some more time here in the States to figure that out. I do know that the semester was simply fabulous. My new friends are wonderful. The sights were gorgeous. And the memories are perfect.
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