
Family Fotos

I finally finished putting together my online album from last weekend's family reunion. Below are a few of my favorite pics, in addition to the ones in previous posts. There's an abbreviated version of the album if you follow this link.

Wade wanted to play cards with the big kids

Casey goes after the volleyball

We took a fun hike to Sprague Lake for a picnic

Amend cattle were once branded with the "UIU" brand. We "branded" the younger kids to show that they carry the Amend brand on their hearts.

View all the pictures here:
Amend Family Reunion 2008


Another preview

I've uploaded all my selected reunion pics, but I have yet to dedicate the time to write captions. Hopefully I'll get to that this weekend. In the meantime, here's another of my favorite shots from the weekend. It's a face you might recognize from this here blog.


Lather, rinse, repeat

Just in case you didn't get the point in my last post, I kinda like these folks. This pic is from my cousin Peter's camera. I have a similar shot in the album I'll be posting eventually, but mine's from the side and you can't quite see everyone's silly expressions. So I had to share this one. Also, I nearly lost a quart of bodily fluid drooling over his wide-angle lens.

These are some of my favorite people in the world

And I get to call them family. More pictures from the weekend TK.


Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Lots on my to-do list before I leave town tomorrow. Sorry these took a while to get posted!




One Year Later

Can it really have been one year ago today that I landed in London to kick off my round-the-world escapades? When I tell people that I traveled for 3 months on my own, I usually get reactions mixed with awe and respect. But three months seem like nothing compared to friends who have done 6, 12 or 18 months. And when I find myself having returned to the same yellow bedroom still bunking with my parents, I wonder how wide I really made my world. Was it all just a temporary broadening of my boarders?

On Another Note
I chopped my hair off. Pictures TK.